Sunday, June 24, 2007

Dream Team 2009/10

Dream Team 1992
Dream Team 1997

Dream Team 2009/10

Against all the odds it seems, and only because of the second preferences on the Cruddas ballot papers, Harriet Harman pipped Alan Johnson to be elected as Labour's Deputy Leader. Reports indicate that her popularity is highest among the parliamentary party and members but not the Unions or it seems the broader public [though this pairign offers a neutral outcome when balancing out those who would vote for the two and those who would not, 15% either way]. She has positioned herself as a loyalist but with an element of independence, emphasised her long-time commitment as a campaigner against gender inequality and soemone who is pledged to focus on the next election. Interestignly a Yougov poll conducted in May suggested that "Harman beat all her competitors on recognition, being trustworthy, being in touch with family life and, crucially, on making people more likely to vote Labour"; somethign she has promoted ever since on the front page of her website. Perhaps today's respnse is an indication that she may be the best known but that few know a great deal about any of tyhe candidates, as the next election could easily be as far away as May 2009 and the Brown government has until May 2010, Harman has time to make her mark and increase her profile and popularity; perhaps emphasising the qualities the May poll perceived her as possessing. Personally, I wonder how central her Facebook group, website and blog become to her communication.

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