Musings on political communication, how it works, or doesn't, what it is and should be and reflections on what our leaders are saying and, importantly, how they say it!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Steep Learning Curve or what
Is the BBC backing Cameron?

Just to check perceptions I asked an unwitting young person what they thought of the party leaders based on these pcitures. Brown was described as 'old, ugly, squeezing and invisible err 'breast' (ok unwitting young person was male), but less amusing for Gordon, said male yout also thought he looked 'uncaring and uncompassionate... I wouldn't vote for him'. Clegg was 'snobby', 'needs a shave' and 'remote' though he also asked who he was and if he was a Conservative. Cameron seemed like 'a nice guy', 'I'd vote for him'. Why, well the photos offer perceptions, Cameron's photo shows him lookign straight at the camera, not down at it, so he is 'on the level' not in a position of authority, he is smiling unlike the other two, he looks normal. Is this accident or conspiracy, if I was the PR team of Clegg or Brown I would complain!
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
The attack strategy
The second entitled "Missing Idiot," shows "an Oxfordshire resident calls Private Investigator Shirley Holmes to report that their village is missing its local idiot. Can you guess who the missing idiot is?"
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Will Youtube have an impact?
Getting noticed, but maybe not in a good way

Cheap shot or reinforcing a perception?
It is a radio debate between Johnson and Liberal Democrat candidate Brian Paddick, Johnson suggests Paddick was soft on drugs, as opposed to having a softly softly approach, Johnson perhaps is caught out by the semantic difference here. Paddick did suggest not arresting and charging cannabis users, not decriminalising them, and so seems out of his depth. But the clip seems really to offer a negative perception of both participants. Paddick interrupts Johnson, Johnson garbles the answer, could this make an audience feel more sorry for Johnson? Moreover, while it highlights Boris's inefficiency in interviews, is this news and so could it be read as just a cheap shot? Or, alternatively, does it reinforce a public predisposition towards Boris? Furthermore who is the main benefactor, as Paddick seems unable to change his standing, so far anyway, do these attacks, and the negative tone, benefit Ken Livingstone. All questions of strategy: and the wonderful unpredictability of political communication
Talking to the online audience
Clinton's 'Thank You' ad on Youtube has received almost 75,000 views and there are 117 comments most of which are positive. Her message is one of mobilisation and it seems to have that effect.
Obama Everywhere is a soundtrack for Obama travelling the country and being a real person, on the whole. So far it has only had just short of 20,000 views and 35 comments, most on the song. Interestingly Obama has a higher rating (4 stars), Hillary has three. Is this indicative of anything? She has reached a bigger audience, so far, but she also has lower support for this video; interesting contrast perhaps. More importantly will the parallel campaigns effect one another? Will one dilute the power of the other?
Hope, Change and Electioneering

Saturday, April 19, 2008
The first live, full vision interaction with a candidate
My thoughts or comments; a lot of negative remarks by Paddick, very wordy answers that limit the number of questions, a lot of ambitious plans that are hard to see costed perhaps (trams for example). The problem, where are those who asked the questions, did any Londoners watch. For all we know the audience could be mostly outside London or even the UK. But an interesting innovation that will remain a point of reference for anyone who wishes to elaborate on some of the proposals a candidate, in this case Paddick makes. Could this be the future of debates? Could it sideline Question Time? Does Paddick do a good job in answering questions? Does he do a good job in managing his image and public perceptions of him? What perceptions can you build from this?
Friday, April 18, 2008
Political Communication v.1.5

Penn not working with Paddick
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Do scathing attacks make a difference?


Politics, Music and Movement

And sometimes when a thousand voices
Tell you that you're wrong
A saint in any form
Becomes a sinner all along
Is this too negative? Is it negative at all?
Ken borrows from Barack
This video complements a series of vox pops with Londoners saying how great London is to live and work in, all of which appear on Ken's Youtube site (an example of which is below), he has also used the site to attack Boris Johnson's negativity and highlighting his own positivity.
The key message is to reinforce Ken's authenticity as a Londoner, something that won him power against the odds in 2000; but the important bit is not him saying that but real Londoners endorsing him as the candidate. It is working for Obama as he can claim an outsider status to some extent; can it work for the incumbent?
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
The main event
Clearly they expect a lot of viewers who demand a perfect image of everything as it happens, is this due to interest in the campaign (perhaps an Obama effect) or that there is typically high interest in conventions“The [political] conventions will be our first big event in HD and our new [HD] control room should be online by early June, then we’ll start doing some news in HD... Editing will be a challenge because of all the SD [4:3] source footage intercut with HD. Our Avids [Adrenaline Newscutters] output only one channel at a time, either HD or SD. For the HD newscast, all the SD footage will be upconverted and standards converted on the timeline. Our router outputs will all have upconvertors so that we can output everything in HD. The existing infrastructure for SD is huge, so we’ll start upgrading where and when it makes sense, but it’s going to take time for a complete HD roll out.”
Mr Johnson, who's that?

Monday, April 14, 2008
It's the economy, stupid!

Marketing Analogies and the Political Consumer

Saturday, April 12, 2008
Hillary's last push

Thursday, April 10, 2008
Mud & Pledges

• failed to support measures to take tough action on crime

Scarred of the headlines
Engagement via Youtube
Every election campaign now involves Youtube, it seems almost de rigeur and normal. There are not many questions uploaded yet and not much activity but as the contest moves towards a conclusion it could be interesting to see how many engage with the three main candidates and want to talk about issues. Currently it is just the 'wall' that is gaining attention, here we find issue based questions some of which border on the philosophical to some extent i.e.: "Is it right that an indigenous population should be allowed to become an ethnic minority in their own city without even being consulted?" but then we have social media graffiti a la: 'BORIS IS A CUNT' a weighty contribution from someone called Pete. But, that aside, is Youtube offering a real potential for a new level of engagement or is it just a passing fad that only a few will bother with - an interesting question!!
Charity Idol
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
is this interaction?
An aide to engagement or indecision

The unprofessional professional?

Sunday, April 06, 2008
The Obama Fellowship
But I also want to let you know about an exciting project that we'll be kicking off in all 50 states this summer. It's called the Obama Organizing Fellowship. When I was a young man, I was inspired by the Civil Rights Movement and the idea of people working at a grassroots level to bring about change. I got my chance on the South Side of Chicago, as a community organizer, and it was the transformative experience of my career. It allowed me to put my values to work and to see that real change comes not from the top-down, but from the bottom-up, when ordinary people come together around a common purpose. The experience changed the course of my life -- and I want to share that kind of opportunity with you. That's why we're introducing a program that's going to train a new generation of leaders -- not only to help us win this election, but to help strengthen our democracy in communities across the country. If you apply and are selected, you'll be trained in the basic organizing principles that this campaign and our movement for change are built on. You will be assigned to a community where you'll organize supporters. Assignments will begin in June, and you'll be required to work a minimum of six weeks over the summer. This program is designed to give you real world organizing experience that will have a concrete impact on this election.
The big question is whether this is simply about mobilising people to campaign for Obama, or is it genuinely about building a new progressive generation of politicians? A bigger question, is all of this community work sustainable should Obama win the Presidency and if not what will the impact be on engagement in US politics?
Testing the water
Friday, April 04, 2008
The turnout challenge

Sex, Leaks and Media Hype

Wednesday, April 02, 2008
Tracking the super-delegates

A war of rhetoric
"Rocky Balboa had gotten halfway up those steps and said, 'Well, I guess that's about far enough'. Let me tell you something, when it comes to finishing a fight, Rocky and I have a lot in common. I never quit."
Is it not just a little childish?

Pavement Politics and the postmodern campaign

Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Welcoming the twittering citizen

Getting young people engaged
Is he correct?
Deliberately Unspun or just unprofessional?