Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Alien concepts

We can read a lot about American politics and camapigning, and usually there is the hint that global political campaigning is becoming Americanised. Perhaps there is some truth in that but the one thing that is definitely missing in the UK is the in your face demands from money using highly emotive rhetoric. I signed up to Barack Obama's emails, I have no idea if they work and if they do why.
Over night I received a plea for money, or rather a request that I should "own a piece of this campaign". Others have done so, the email claims, such as James from Durango Colarado. He is quoted as saying:
"The founding principle of the great American experiment, as it has been called, is based on the involvement of citizens like us. Regular people joining forces to make an uncommon and profound difference."
I guess I just don't get it. It would put me off completely, but then I cannot actually vote in the US so what does it matter what I think. In the US Obama claims his funds are rising on a minute by minute basis, so it must be having some positive effects.

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